Life’s outer and inner explorers (scientists and meditators)

As a physician, metaphysician and Kriyaban yogi, The Physics of Consciousness drew me in like a swimmer into a maelstrom. I was enthralled by Antic’s analysis. Long-term meditators, Life’s inner explorers, develop intuitive insight into the Absolute nature of consciousness and their holy relationship to it. Ancient Rishis, sages and saints over the ages have shared their remarkably consistent insights with the world. In contrast, modern scientists, Life’s outer explorers, investigate the cosmos in their efforts to dissect, analyze and relate Life’s relative manifestations. The discipline of quantum physics has expanded our understanding up to the very edge of Absolute Truth. But there, science hits a wall. Antic not only does a credible job explaining the science, but, as a meditating Buddhist monk, he possesses an intuitive grasp of the nature of consciousness. He offers us a bridge into that mysterious domain that ties it to the relative nature of our physical universe.
Scientists cannot effectively cross the bridge to “knowing” because they approach Truth from the outside, as experimenters and observers of a universe outside themselves. They traditionally exclude the reality of consciousness in their experiments and equations because they believe that there is no empiric way to analyze and measure it. Yogis, on the other hand, explore the inner realm of consciousness by expanding their awareness of it – in its pure state of absolute stillness. To them, Truth cannot be fully understood by the limited intellect. It can only be realized, the ultimate realization being “Self”- realization. Truth directly experienced imbues the experiencer with an intuitive knowing that cannot be contained or expressed in any language or equation. Truth cannot be contained as it is limitless.
The secret to knowing Truth is within ourselves
Self-realization is the direct intuitive experience of “being” Truth – not as an individual – but as the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent field of Consciousness in which everything exists, actively vibrating as energy waves of thought. We will cross over the mental barrier between conceptualization and Truth only when we find that the secret to knowing Truth is within ourselves. There can be NO separation between our consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness which pervades and is the essence of everything. Our bodies doth deceive us. They lead us to perceive ourselves as somehow separate from the whole of Life. Hindus refer to this cosmic deception as “maya“. To successfully lift the veil that hides the Truth of Being, we need only explore the depths of our own being. Meditation is the method. Self-realization is essential if we are to manifest our divine perceptual potential. Only then will it be natural for us to think, speak, act and create for the benefit of the Whole of Life. Only then can the ideals of a better world take root, grow and manifest.
That was intriguing and put to one’s mind to ponder and, dwell and, think on but right on point.