Clement Binnings, Jr

Bursting Bubbles for Peace

Kriyaban Yogi

As a Peace seeker like you, I am just that, a seeker. If I had established myself on the summit of invincible soul Peace, it would be obvious to the spiritually discerning. I am, like many of you, consciously striving toward Self-realization.

There are many paths originating from all sides of the Everest to all-seeing. Most people dwell in the valleys where life is complex, dominated by the push and pull of one with and against others. Some migrate up into the foothills below the tree line where life is simpler and the motivation for cooperation is greater. Fewer still venture into the highlands where nature’s assault upon the senses proves too harsh for the ones who retreat, or her expansive vista too intoxicating for those stay. Even rarer are those dedicated adventurers pushing onward toward the summit. Those who succeed find themselves above all human entanglements, immersed in the consciousness of boundless vision. The experience is indescribably liberating for the soul, yet terrifying for the ego. Many relish their accomplishment in pride, then hastily descend to more comfortable ground. Few indeed are those humbled into surrender, establishing their consciousness in the infinite expanse. Those are our Truth finders, perceiving the whole of Life from her Kingdom of Peace. Those are the ones calling us to join them.

Your reading of this is our encounter. You may be traveling the same path as I am or a different one that happens to intersect at this juncture with mine. Regardless, we are bound in Spirit, each of us heeding our soul’s call to seek Truth in the manner best suited for us.

My writings merely reflect where I am on my journey. I am standing on a cliff ledge trying hard not to fall back into death’s valley, but the screams from below are like arrows to my heart, and the call from above to keep scaling the vertical is more urgent. My writings express my inner conflicts and those of others I have met along the way, peace-robbing concerns that I need to transcend if I am to find my way to being “in the world but not of it”. Writing helps me purge these from my emotional body and present them to Spirit. My practice is to sit in deep meditative silence to feel her sweet presence wash away my angst and to write what flows out from within. This process led to my writing The Bubble Rule to Spiritual Vision: A Prescription for Peace.

Peace Seeker's Blog

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